Tag Archives: Money
Email Marketing – 3 Reasons to Use Email Marketing to Make Money Online
After spending a few years fumbling around making money here and there online, I have learned the most solid, consistent way of doing it is to make email marketing central to your sales marketing strategy.
Back in 2004, I naively drove traffic straight to merchant sites using affiliate links. A while later, I created landing pages so visitors would see something different, although I neglected to include any opt in form. Crazy, yes… what can I say I was a newbie. I quickly learned concentrating all efforts into driving traffic for one-time sales was only benefiting the merchant, not me.
That’s when I realized the importance of follow-up. Although previous landing pages were filled with targeted content and some personalized information, sales didn’t double or become more consistent until I added an autoresponder opt in form which gave me the lucrative opportunity to follow-up with visitors.
Which leads to the number one reason to use email marketing to make money online…
Reason No. 1 – Follow-Up
Follow-up allows you the opportunity to expose your product or offer to visitors beyond their initial visit. It gives you the chance to present your offer in more detail and answer common questions (FAQs) before they’re even asked in your follow-up emails. Providing answers before they are asked (reading a subscriber’s mind) will slide sales right into your account.
What’s great is when visitors opt into your form to receive additional information, they are expressing interest to learn more & granting permission for further contact from you. This places you in an excellent selling position. You are now graced with another opportunity to “CAPTURE THE SALE”. How cool is that? Right! Just remember…
Email Marketing = More Exposure = More Opportunities To Follow-Up With Quality Content = More Money
This flows nicely into the second reason…
Reason No. 2 – A Single Email Can Equal Mass Sales
Once you have established a trustworthy relationship with subscribers by sharing quality free content and making recommendations that actively helps them in some way, you will have cultivated a list where a single email promotion can equal massive sales. Such a privilege is akin to having an ATM in your desktop.
There is nothing more exhilarating in internet marketing than making a great product recommendation to your email list and having them respond with enthusiastic profits that start rolling in almost instantly. Just be careful to never take your list for granted; they are after all real-live people. Treat them with respect, not money machines.
Reason No. 3 – Automation
The beauty of having an automated marketing system that consistently brings in sales is it’s the closest thing to being able to “set & forget it”. Email marketing automation beats offline methods of follow-up any day.
Would you rather spend hours pitching prospects, answering questions, arming yourself with rebuttals, dealing with rejection… all aimed to capture one sale -OR- load up an autoresponder with meaty content equally aligned with money-making offers set to act as your automated sales force? I’d go with the latter. I’m sure you agree, that is if you understand the value of time/freedom & are serious about having a successful online business that will continually make you money.
Automation is key to success and profitability, both in the short and long-term. Having an automated email system for interested prospects to opt into, immediately positions you to receive automated sales. Automation allows you to leverage sales in countless, creative ways. I’ll leave you with this “food for thought”…
~ Millionaires Understand The Power of Automation & Leverage ~
So if you ever question whether email marketing is worth taking the time to establish as a central part of your marketing strategy, remind yourself of the “3 Reasons”… 1) Multiple Follow-Up Opportunities To Capture Sales, 2) One Email Can = Mass Sales, 3) Leveraged Automation.
The world is yours.
About The Author:
Mic Ambrose is an email marketing & list building expert who shares proven strategies to increasing email marketing profits. Sign up for the Email Marketing Overdrive 6-Figure Jumpstart where you’ll discover short-cut secrets to earning 00’s weekly in email profits and how to improve your opt-in rate by more than 50%. Visit EmailMarketingOverdrive.com
Article Marketing – Announcing 4 Methods to Make Money With Article Marketing
Do you have doubts that you can make money by simply sinking your teeth into article marketing? Then, you will need to read further so you can be enlightened.
Here’s how you can make money with article marketing:
1. Drive traffic to your website. If you are an ebusiness owner or an affiliate marketer, I am sure you know that you cannot possibly generate decent sales unless you are able to attract high quality traffic to your website. You can do this by simply writing and distributing your articles online. You see, when you post high quality articles on publishing sites they will appear on search page results each time online users make relevant search. If these people click on your articles and they find them very informative, they are most likely to require more information and they’ll click on your resource box. By doing so, they will be directed to your website which means increased traffic for you.
2. Save on your advertising cost. You can save a lot of money if you can use free internet marketing tools like article marketing. This tool will not require you to spend a single dime just to get exposure online. All you need to do is write articles and make sure that they speak volumes about your expertise and credibility. Then, you need to make time to manually submit them on various publishing sites and viola! instant traffic and higher page ranking for you.
3. Sell yourself. As an internet marketer, you need to understand that you must earn the trust and confidence of your target market first before you can convince them to make a purchase. You can do this through article marketing. Each time you write an article, you share a piece of your expertise to your readers. This can help you convince these people that you are truly knowledgeable.
4. Boost your opt-in list. Aside from giving away freebies, you can also convince people to sign up to your opt-in list by showing them that you are a great source of information and you bet! you can do this through article marketing. For best result, I recommend that you load your articles with in-depth and up-to-date information so you can easily impress your readers. It would also help if you can offer these people with a piece of you knowledge that they can use in resolving their pressing issues or improving the quality of their lives.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide.
Wealthy Affiliate- Is It Worth Your Money?
Wealthy Affiliate is the new sensation in affiliate marketing. They are promising a lot. However, there are complaints as well. They people are saying that it is a scam. This number is small but we do need to look into those complaints to really know what this website is actually offering.
The people making the complaints would tell you that despite paying every month, they did not make any money. The problem is that they did not pay attention to the details when paying their money. The website clearly tells everyone that it would help them learn the techniques to make money. It does not promise money itself. If you have learned what have taught and have applied it in the real time, then you are going to make money. There are thousands of members who are making money and are actually making a lot of money. All you need to do is to learn and then implement what you have learned.
Another set of people would tell you that they have paid the money but they did not make enough money. The problem is that they were expecting to make millions over-night, which is next to impossible. You may hit a jackpot and make that kind of money; however, the legitimate methods like internet marketing only offer money if the marketer is working hard persistently. The marketers have to work hard and have to learn things over time. If they apply their knowledge intelligently, they are going to make money. Once they have established themselves and have learned the basics, they can speed up the money making process by using the right set of tools and by analyzing their target market intelligently. They will be taught everything at this website and all they have to do is to use the knowledge.
In the light of above discussion, it becomes clear that Wealthy Affiliate is worth spending money. If you really want to learn the internet marketing, you have a great chance of learning from this website.
Stephen Fernandas is writing about wealthy affiliate,
wealthy affiliate reviews, wealthy affiliate scam based on his experience with wealthy affiliate market as well as he does participate in various wealthy affiliate seminars and conferences too.
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Make Money Using Online Affiliate Programs – Keep Your Job and Build Your Future
I’m not sure about you, but I’ve gotten sick of the everyday morning routine. You wake up, take a shower, and get ready to go to work. There’s no need to make breakfast, because there really is not any time. And if you have kids it’s even harder. You’ve got to get them up, get organized, and prepare them for school. While at the same time, preparing yourself for the daily grind.
Then the real FUN starts, sitting in TRAFFIC. While on our way to work, we have to deal with all the possible accidents, road blocks, and oh yeah, those stupid cameras off to the side of the road taking our picture; say “cheese”! Then by the time we get to work, the Boss is usually in a bad mood, and we have to deal with the neverending “drama” of the workplace.
It just doesn’t get any better than this, does it? What ever happened to the dream of working from home and spending time with your family? Watching your children grow up and spending quality “vacation” time, while not worrying about how much you have left in your bank account? It seems sometimes that this is only a “distant” dream doesn’t it?
Well I’m here to tell you that nowadays, running your own home-based business is easier than ever. Sure, there are a lot of SCAMS out there, telling you the same thing. But they are just ruining things for legitimate business. And by starting out safe, you risk practically NOTHING in investment costs. Yes, you REALLY CAN make money using online Affiliate Programs, without spending hardly ANY money on advertising costs.
And sure, it involves WORK, and riches ARE NOT going to come to you overnight. But do you really believe anyone that would tell you any different? If so, then I have some swampland that I’d like to sell you over here in Arizona.
But on a serious note, having the ability to make money using online Affiliate Programs is a definite reality. In fact, you don’t even need your own website or anything like that. O.K., you will have to buy a domain name, so can you afford 89 cents? That’s what I thought.
And by learning all the different ways of driving traffic to that website, you can do it all virtually FREE of charge. I know it sounds unbelievable, but really it’s true. And you don’t even have to quit your day job either! Many people are starting out working just 2 to 4 hours per night, or in the morning.
And once you do set up these sites, the money doesn’t stop coming in. Each campaign runs like a “mini” cash generating ATM. The money is out there, and people are out there spending it. Why not get your piece of the pie too? Start creating your own “future” and get out of the “rat race”, all it will continue to do is make you miserable anyway!
In order to start being able to make money using online Affiliate Programs you must first learn the ropes, like anything else. Don’t worry though, it won’t cost an arm and a leg. You DON’T need the high priced “guru” programs either to get valuable information. You can find out more about a great “video” course with over 15 hours of training here: Bum Marketing Training. If you feel safer, you can visit the website directly: http://www.bummarketingtraining.info
Affiliate Marketing is a Most Magnificent Way to Make Money – Here is a Map How to Do It!
Technology is moving at the speed of mind . Business is moving at the speed of sales . Online Businesses and Affiliate Marketing are the power of both. In internet sales do you have the 5 M Affiliate Marketing “Most Magnificent Money Making Map”? If you don’t hear is how to get it and what you will learn!
Many years ago in a galaxy far far away, my career started (and I’ve been around a long, long time). It was the 60’s and I remember hearing about this really neat place called the “Internet”. This Internet place was the backbone for what we all know today as the World Wide Web (www or woo-woo-woo) that started in 1989 (only 20 years ago). The “World Wide Web” is the infrastructure that rides on the internet ( backbone ) and our information world was launched. Websites started popping up like stars traveling at the speed of light. International standards for domain names and HTML (HyperText Markup Language) were created. Websites went from the hundreds to tens of millions almost overnight. Remember that the “Web” is an application/infrastructure built on top of the Internet ( Backbone ) and the place where you will do your Affiliate Marketing magic.
Now with that said, you are going to ask what is the “Most Magnificent Money Making Map” and how does it relate to the WWW and Internet. Very simply, to become a successful Affiliate Marketer, you need a map to understand this very confusing business. You need a map to teach you how to build what is necessary to use the WWW and internet to make money. A trillion dollar industry is built upon it and more money is exchanged on the WWW and Internet than our minds can imagine. You need to learn the map to get a piece of this huge pie.
The world of internet marketing is a vast untapped frontier. Everything is moving at an exponential rate. Your success is directly proportional to your effort. What you need is a coach to teach you the map and help motivate you to a successful online business. If you want to learn more go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint or Quick Ways to Make Money
Learn How to Save Money, Earn Money & Go Green With Internet Affiliate Marketing in a Bad Economy
Are we in a recession or depression? Well, that depends on you who talk to. Most people tend to agree that the economy is pretty shaky and that people are scared. The bail out is a mess. People are losing their jobs, their homes, their dignity. Blah blah, blah.
The first thing you should do is stop watching the news. This negativity can begin to wear on you. Don’t let it. Your economy is what you make it. Only you can determine your future. This is a time where people need to take action starting with their budget and look for ways to save money. For those out there with only one source of income, especially if it is a job then you need to figure another way to make money. Get a Plan B.
No matter how bad it is or how little money you have, the fact remains that you will still need to shop. Maybe it will only be the necessitates, but you will have to buy them somewhere. Right?
Internet shopping is on the rise for that reason, among many others. Retailers are offering big discounts and Free shipping many times. Not only will you save money on parking and gas, you will reduce your carbon footprint and save your valuable time.
There are a few tricks to getting maximum savings.
1. Comparison shop – Many times you can Google an item and compare prices, but I also recommend Pricegrabber.com and Nextag.com to find the lowest price.
2. Sign up for email from your favorite stores – They will send you coupon codes, discounts and specials.
3. Coupon codes – Always search Google for Ex: “Macy’s coupon codes”. There are a ton of coupon sites and you can usually get a discount or free shipping. Currentcodes.com is a really good place to find them. When you check out then you will see a box to enter that code and receive the discount.
4. Shipping charges – Freeshipping.org is a great place to look for Free shipping. many time the shipping is still cheaper than if you drive to the store with the cost of fuel and your time.
5. Sales Tax Savings – Be sure to look for stores that are out of your state so that yo can save the sales tax. Drugstore.com is a great example for me because I buy all of my toiletries, prescriptions, household items and save an additional 6%. Plus they have a program where they also give you 5% drugstore dollars on most items to spend on future orders. It really adds up big time & has saved me time and money because I no longer walk out of a store with impulse items.
6. Join an Internet Affiliate Program – This is the BIG BONUS! – You can earn from 1-30% cash back in addition to the savings mentioned above. There are over 800 stores with everything you could ever need. Pet supplies, office supplies, Airfare, Hotels, household cleaning products, healthy snacks, vitamins, prescription drugs, clothes, shoes, organic and eco-friendly products.
7. Become a Ecommerce Broker – It only makes sense that you would share these incredible discounts and savings with other people, wouldn’t you? Consumers are desperate to save money and in my opinion everyone needs a plan B during these tough economic times. You would agree, wouldn’t you?
A family of four should save on average approximately $ 200 per month or more based on these shopping strategies all combined. An Ecommerce Broker has unlimited income potential. Forrester Research, Inc. forecast that eCommerce will be $ 329 billion in 2010, which is up from $ 172 billion in 2005. The increase translates to a solid 14 percent compound annual growth rate over the next five years.
An Ecommerce Broker has an opportunity to position themselves in two industries that are experiencing tremendous growth. Internet Affiliate Marketing (eCommerce) & the environmental movement. Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years? What is your plan B and do you have a financial plan in place to get you there?
Stacy Kinney is an Internet Network Marketing and Social Media coach. She teaches the most effective methods for lead generation on the internet today. Stacy is implementing this proven marketing system with all of her new Ecommerce Brokers that wish to have quick national expansion.
How To Make Money Online Via Amazon Affiliate Marketing – 2016 Edition

How To Make Money Online Via Amazon Affiliate Marketing – 2016 Edition
Here’s A Product You Can Be Proud To Promote And Earn A Great Commission While Doing So: Our 6-hour Video Training Program Allows Complete Beginners To Build A Successful Amazon Affiliate Site In A Week! Affiliate Tools:
How To Make Money Online Via Amazon Affiliate Marketing – 2016 Edition
How to Really Make Money Selling Affiliate Products!
It can be a headache to decide which product you are going to promote. Many affiliates regardless of experience can find this a tough decision to make.
Some often make the mistake of ‘chasing the cash’ and selecting a product that they have little or no knowledge of. Even though ClickBank provides some great tools for choosing the ideal product, not everyone knows how to make the most of these.
This article will assist people in choosing their ideal product to promote on ClickBank using the better methods available. Obviously, you must sign up to ClickBank to get use this knowledge. Registration is quick, painless, and free – so sign up.
1. Honesty is the best policy. If you are promoting a product, you must be able to stand by it. Don’t promote something that you don’t know anything about. A product that reflects your interests and passions is ideal.
2. ClickBank’s product statistics are broken down into five categories. These are: $ per sale; total $ per sale; percentage per sale; percentage refunded; and gravity. While it is important to take into account all five factors. Do not over-rely on selecting a product using just those five categories. While they are important, they sometimes give a distorted reality. While these categories tell you the profitability of a certain product, they will not tell you, however, if a product is increasing or weaning in popularity.
3. A far better method for finding out which product is becoming popular, is to use trend analysis. Simply go to ClickBank’s performance trends, enter the vendor’s ID, and you will be given charts upon which you will see if a product is selling more or less units.
4. To find the vendor’s ID simply enter ClickBank, find a product that you are interested in promoting, and click on the ‘create hoplink’ option. At this point in time, ClickBank will ask you for your Affiliate ID. Once you have entered it you will be given the domain and hoplink links. The first name is the affiliate ID and the second name is the vendor ID.
Let’s take an example. You are greeted by something that looks like this: http://footballhead34.greatproducts1.hop.ClickBank.net. In this scenario, footballhead34 is the affiliate’s name and greatproducts1 is the vendor’s name.
5. When you have entered this into the performance trends tool you will be able to see a series of graphs tracking the performance of the product. Popularity is an obvious factor to take into consideration. However, more important trends are gravity (the amount of affiliates promoting a product), and earnings per sale.
Earnings per sale is probably the most critical factor to take into account. If these are increasing – you are on to a winner. If these are decreasing you should stay well away.
The above should be more than enough to aid you when you are selecting a ClickBank product to promote.
Trend analysis is a must and all you need to know about using trends is contained in this article. Follow these steps and you will have a killer product on your hands.
For a comprehensive overview of the terrain, plus specific, targeted cash generating strategies sign up for our FREE Marketing Tips at – http://www.MarketingTipsIreland.com
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Earning Big Money : The Wealthy Affiliate Way
The internet marketing started as a potential domain which promised a lot. Today, this domain has converted itself into an industry. This industry is now offering unique possibilities which were unheard of. For the shrewd and intelligent people, there are millions of opportunities which this industry is providing.
If you want to grab your share in this industry, then you need to have intelligence and shrewdness. But that is not all; you will also have to equip yourself with the basic and advanced internet marketing skills. The websites like Wealthy Affiliate make it possible to learn and master these skills and then explore the opportunities in this industry.
As said earlier, there are various websites which claim to teach you the necessary skills for exploring the internet marketing industry and grabbing your share. But keep in mind that several websites only make claims and they do nothing once they get their hands on your hard earned money. The Wealthy affiliate is different. It gives you a sense of belief. The website divides internet marketing into three parts which are explained below.
Part 1: The part one focuses on bringing the traffic to the company website. This is achieved by using several unique and effective techniques. The Wealthy Affiliate University enables you to achieve this through its working strategies.
Part 2: The second part requires you to sit and watch. The people are referred by your website to the other company websites who make purchases. You are given a commission on every sale which you have referred or generated in a way.
Part 3: The third and the final part is considered to be the easiest part. You will only have to collect your returns and will have to find ways to invest this money or alternatively spend it on yourself and your family. You can withdraw your payments using various methods.
The chances of making huge returns are great. The reason for this is the huge amount of commissions which you will be getting. The company websites offer good commission on their sales which keeps you working hard.
Samuel is writing about wealthy affiliate, wealthy affiliate results, wealthy affiliate review based on his experience so far in wealthy affiliate. As well as he works for a wealthy affiliate site too.
Wealthy Affiliate Scam – 7 Money Saving Tools
This is What you will get for you Wealthy Affiliate Membership, you can decide yourself if you feel it is a scam or not?
1 Free hosting, host up to 3 separate domain and unlimited folder on these domains, with videos to show you FTP, free ftp available, how to upload your website and files to this host server. Saving $ 14.99 for FTP software, aving $ 100 a year for hosting.
2 Free Website Builder, Site Rubix, with video training on how to build a website or use the many free templates. Saving $ 100 dollars for other web site builders available.
3 Jobs Zone, out source the jobs you don’t like or don’t know how to do. Members offer services at a reduced rate to members and you can see the reviews, you will know if they are good or not. Saving you membership fee’s of out sourcing companies, and you can also offer your services to make extra money.
4 The Share Zone, members give reports, of strategies on how they set up campaigns, how to promoter them, how to write articles, a lot of information is shared here which are free to Wealthy Affiliate members but they charge to people out side. Savings literally $ 1000’s as the wealth of information here is worth the fee alone.
5 Niche Q, this system show you exactly how to find niche Markets, who your target audience is, all the keyword research is done for you, private label articles and reports to give to your subscribers. Saving, you will pay fee’s to other sites for these reports but all free with WA.
6 Members Only Forum. One of the best forums online to discover tactics, get help and support.
Free with membership.
7 8 Week Training. Comprehensive and detailed training on how affiliate and internet marketing works. How to set up campaigns, build landing pages, set up blogs, lens, hub pages. Understanding Keywords and spying on the competition. Saving time, energy and money everything you need to be successful on line is available in this course.
Wealthy Affiliate Scam, you get out of it what you put in, if you are looking for a get rich quick scam, then this is not for you. If you want to learn how to build a successful business on line and create the foundations to earn a residual income then you can answer this question your Self ! Wealthy Affiliate Scam, Save time and Money Today