New to Affiliate Marketing? Why Using the Default Headline is a Kiss of Death
I can always tell when a major Internet Marketer is launching something big. Do you want to know how I can tell? I’ll start getting 30 million emails all with the same headline. Okay maybe not 30 million, but I do get a lot of emails when someone is launching a product. Once I figure out that it’s a product launch I usually ignore the subsequent email messages. However every once in a while, I’ll slip up and open one. Do you want to know why? It’s because that affiliate took the time to create a different headline. This article will give you more reasons why you should use your own headline when you are marketing someone else’s products. You will also learn how to come up with your own headlines.
You should create your own headlines to stand apart from the crowd.
It’s a known fact that people are inundated with marketing messages. People may be subscribed to several different newsletters all related to their interests or business. So by the time they see your message, they may have already seen several messages like it. If you create your own headline, your email message stands a better chance at getting read.
Creating your own headline doesn’t have to be hard.
What does the product you are promoting do? What is the best feature about your product? What problem does this product solve? These are the types of things that headlines are made of. You only have a few minutes to make a first impression. Be sure that your headline sparks a sense of urgency. You want your headline to tell the reader that they are about to read some valuable information.
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn extra money. It can be a bit challenging, especially if you are in a highly competitive niche. You have to be creative in order to get people to click on your links. One way to do that is to use unique headlines that no one else is using.
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