Category Archives: Affiliate Marketing Tips

Project Management Marketing Best Option For Marketing

The face of project management have changed by the actions of recent years so the environment in which projects find themselves in changes the project management marketing will have to change to keep momentum.
The project manager make the plan and change the plan accordingly to the profit and time.The importance of product management has become more and more significant today especially in today’s market. Because of the current economy situation and this high competitive market have made our market change totally.
All the organization offer project management marketing office to manage the large, complex and costly poroject.We are also having another topic to discuss which is what is the differences between a Project and Program Management Office. Marketing budgets in some cases represent a significant portion of a company’s overall operating budget.
This article is not a detailed overview of a todays process. Instead it provides an overview of the most critical components common to each as well as some tips on successfully deploying them.
E-mail is a closed communication medium and many companies confirm that it does a poor job of capturing and sharing knowledge. For example if you e-mail a document to two people you then have three copies of this document to manage, merge and distinguish.
In past decades project management marketing tools were not focused on partnership. They were mostly designed with the top-down approach in mind and are not meant for open partnership. These tools are focused on a project manager and make him the core element of the project communications.
Before we go further let us discuss what project management is. It is the type of planning, organizing and managing all the resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.
The marketing medium like tv, radio, print are the digital medium. Greater the frequency large will be benefits.

Author is an executive with project management marketing. More information on >project management marketing is available on their website .

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Video Marketing – Video Marketing Tips

Some people would see it as sad that most people today would rather watch a how-to video on how to repair a dishwasher than read the instructions on the screen or on paper. And people would rather watch a video on the history of the civil war rather than sit down for any extended period of time to read a book on the subject. It is sad, but it’s true.

We, as the human race, have developed extremely short attention spans. It started with TV and flipping through the channels with the remote control and it evolved into the internet going from site to site. We want information and we want it now. But we only want the bits we’re interested in.

If there’s a long article online, there had better be bullet points to identify whether or not it’s relevant to what I’m looking for. And if it’s a book, it had better have subheadlines so that I can identify the chapter to read. The bottom line is that we’re lazy. But that’s actually good news for video marketing. If people would rather see a video, it’s your job to give it to them. But you have to use your network marketing skills, along with a few social networking tips, to really make your videos hit home for your prospects.

It’s All About You

When we speak of you, we don’t mean the person making the video. We mean you, the audience. If you want people to stick with your video, you need to make it about the viewer and his/her problems. Otherwise, they couldn’t give a darn. They don’t care about anyone but themselves.

If you were to examine the analytics on a video where a guy talked about himself and his own experiences for thirty seconds, and then you saw the stats on another video where a guy made the experiences personal for the video, you’d likely see a better conversion rate on the second guy’s video. That’s because web surfers are selfish. That’s not a bad statement. It’s not saying anything bad about anyone. But it’s a true statement and it’s one that you have to keep in mind when using video marketing.

Heartstring Tugging

If you don’t appeal to your viewer’s emotions when video marketing, your video won’t get you the results you’re hoping for. Your viewers have to be personally invested. For example, if you are selling a weight loss product, your video had better talk about the viewer and their experiences. You’d better say things like, “If you are like I was a year ago, you feel fatter than you ever have before. You feel inferior to everyone else and you feel downright depressed that you can’t lose weight no matter what you try.”

See, it’s all about the viewer. When you can get into the viewer’s head, and you can repeat their own thoughts back to them, that’s when you’ll have a winning video marketing campaign. The way you can deliver that perfect video that speaks directly to everyone who views it is to conduct social networking experiments using Facebook, Twitter and other network marketing sites. Just listen to what your niche’s audience wants, and use your videos to respond to those needs. People will think you are psychic, and that’s what great video marketing is all about.

Easther Sudharta Internet Entrepreneur,  Aussie IT Coordinator-passion 4 travel & teaching u develop Online Game Plan to achieve your financial & lifestyle goals,

To partner with Easther Sudharta  in a business that is changing lives, visit

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Email marketing with Nice One Marketing

But, for this thing to be possible, the enterprise must be known by more and more people. And what better instrument you can use to make your business popular than your own website? If your company already has a web page, this doesn’t mean it is enough or that you done your best. From this moment on, you must invest a lot of time and creativity in bringing more visitors to the website. For this reason, many people cooperate with specialists in this domain and Nice One Marketing is one of them.
One method that the company uses for marketing is through email. There are people who want results really fast, even from the very beginning, but this is not necessarily effective on long term. For this reason, they don’t appreciate email marketing as the effective method that it actually is. However, you must be aware that, on long term, Nice One Marketing Ltd can bring great results, using the email newsletter. Sales professionals know that you must make contact with the client seven times to be able to make a sale.
As you can see, you must be persistent in your work and not give up, because the desired results will appear sooner or later. Of course, everyone wants to recover their initial investment from their business as soon as possible. But if you want your company to be built on solid ground, then you must be prepared to work effectively from the start. For this reason, Nice One Marketing can help you create consistent newsletters and send them via email to your potential clients automatically and personalized.
The stand alone feature of email newsletters is one of the most important advantages you have when you use this technique. Under these circumstances, all you will have to do is to update the content of the message with the latest products available on the website and Nice One Marketing Ltd will help you send the same message personalized for each person subscribed to your newsletter. If you are interested, they have a special service through which you can contact lots of their Facebook fans, so the number of potential clients who visit your website and see your offers can be raised in an instant.
Email marketing can be a great solution for you and your company, but you must be aware of the traps you can fall into when you use it. This is the reason why you must keep the balance when you send these emails. Not many people like spam, so it is really important for you to present only the new offers or information that you have available on the web page. If you start sending countless and long messages to each person registered for your newsletter, you have all the chances for them to unsubscribe themselves from your list. So, for this thing not to happen and for all other types of services, you can contact Nice One Marketing and analyze their area of expertise.

Welcome to he home of Nice One Marketing Ltd. – the multi marketing agency in Dubai. Nice One Marketing


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Traditional Marketing Vs New Marketing

The introduction of the Internet has changed marketing. It has vastly altered the ways in which people view, use and interact with media and this has in some ways changed the effectiveness of certain traditional marketing techniques, while creating new marketing opportunities. This article takes a look at how some of the traditional and new forms of marketing fit into business today.

TV advertising has changed in many ways over the last ten or twenty years. The ways in which television advertising is used has changed. Although there are still commercial breaks, with the vast number of channels now available to many they have become less effective. Viewer behaviour has changed, with many changing to another channel during the adverts or turning the sound off. In an effort to combat this some businesses have chosen to sponsor specific programs, or genre’s, for example drama on ITV or films on Channel 4. In these cases an advert is shown at the beginning and end of a program, as well as at the start and end of the commercial breaks. This increases the chances of viewers seeing them, and because they are shown over and over again throughout the program, possible on a weekly basis, viewers establish a connection between a program and the product being advertised. Adverts can also be tailored to the program they are in partnership with.

Newspaper adverts are still a popular form of advertising but the numbers buying a newspaper daily has decreased so it is not as effective as it once was. The availability of free online news is partly to blame for this. A newspaper advertisement will still reach a large number of people but not as many on a regular basis.

Billboards can still be as successful as they ever were. The reason for this is the very nature of them; that they are large posters in public places. If someone is driving or walking past a billboard it really can’t be avoided. Unlike television and newspaper adverts people are still just as exposed to them

Although leaflets being dropped through letter boxes are still used by many marketers they are not deemed as successful as they once were. There was a time when there were so many that the effect became diluted. Many people get frustrated with unwanted leaflets and immediately through them away, meaning that even people who would potentially be interested in what is being sold will not notice them.

The main new marketing tool is a website. It is a way for businesses to get everything they do and any information they would like people to know about them into the public domain. It has got to the stage where people expect a company to have a website. If they want to look into using a specific company for something they will look for their website. If they are looking for a particular service they will search for it using a search engine. Therefore having a website is crucial for all businesses, whether they trade directly through their website or not.

SEO is an important related marketing technique. It involves a variety of techniques to encourage good search engine rankings. This can make a significant different in the success of a website, and therefore a business as a whole. For example if someone is searching for a divorce solicitor, they may search for Family Law London in a search engine. If a particular divorce solicitor is not found for this they are letting potential clients fall through their fingers. If they are top of the search engines for this though, it can make a massive difference to their overall income.

The Internet can also be used for advertising on other ways. Similar to advertising in a newspaper or magazine, many websites carry advertisements. This can lead to a much quicker sale than with print advertising. A visitor may click on an advert, reach the website and purchase something immediately or send an email to set the wheels in motion. With a newspaper advert they would only see the brand advertised and maybe a telephone number, with the purchasing decision coming at a later date. They may forget about the advert altogether. Another advantage of online advertising over print advertising is the possibility of video or audio advertising.

Which types of marketing work best depends on the type of business and the behaviour of potential customers. A website is though, almost essential now. Tradition marketing techniques can still be successful a


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What if I told you to stop working day and night writing articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos … and all the other back breaking and boring stuff? You don’t need a website. You don’t need Google. You don’t need to create products. You don’t need to fork out on costly advertising. You don’t need any previous experience.
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Marketing Strategy and Marketing Management

Brand awareness is a straight product of the Marketing Strategy. By discovering the key target Markets and bearing an agreement of the aggressive environment it is imaginable to constitute a picture of the types and level of “brand” advertising needed to generate consciousness of the brand for new consumers and reward the message with subsisting customers.

Planning the constituents of the campaign configured to generate a particular response is more intimately aligned with the sales programs and demands analysis of the response and transition rates you are attaining from several forms of advertising.

Human Resource Management is a crucial need of the business. People are the very valuable resource of any Business, and the profits of HR management services can never be overestimated. It addresses with managing Human Resources for Businesses. HR Management takes care of the overall human resource tasks of a company, and is extended by a Professional Employer Organization (PEO). HR management holding track of the services like Human Resources Administration, employee benefits administration, payroll & tax administration, risk management services,workers compensation and support as well as regulative and government submission, and selection and recruitment services. Whether your company is large, medium sized or small, HR Solutions can oblige to your requirements. Human resource management is as well makes you to monitor the performance of the employee.

Your career is enduring from not utilizing Time Management sharply to manage stress. You are missing raises and promotions, because you are passing your time guarding against stress rather than attacking it. This hurt is caused by utilizing time management actually the wrong way. Several time management in the workplace courses teaches you to simply make to Do lists and then assign priority to them. A suitable time management system will not only offer priority to your tasks, but makes you to defend you’re to do list versus crises and interruptions, since those are a large source of stress.

Initiating a business and making it flourishing encompasses a heavy deal of work, but oftentimes it gets flooding out and you feel that selling it is the only one option for you. While the recent Business Market is trembling with the global receding impacting everything, you have still a great opportunity to sell your Business. Even if you determine to wait till the economy is in a good state, you can be devising your business for sale. Here are several things to consider though preparing to sell your business.

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On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming secret system release for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using this hidden facebook secret

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What if I told you to stop working day and night writing articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high and low for joint venture partners, creating videos … and all the other back breaking and boring stuff? You don’t need a website. You don’t need Google. You don’t need to create products. You don’t need to fork out on costly advertising. You don’t need any previous experience.
Take a peak at the system that is going to cause CHAOS all over the internet… Dumb kids on Facebook make 9,833.57!

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SMS Marketing the New Age Marketing Strategy

In these days there is a mobile in every pocket. And with the number of mobile users is growing each day. Therefore along with that has grown the practice of mobile marketing. The SMS marketing which is the most recent addition in this field of marketing strategy has provided the business concerns as well as the customers to save a lot of valuable time. In case of verbal communication it is often seen the customers don’t pay much attention on what the marketing executive is talking about. And this is because that if the thing that is being talked of does not interest him, the customer would obviously get more concerned about the time that is getting wasted. Therefore the SMS marketing proves to be much more fruitful in this respect as with the help of this method not only that it is much more effective in communicating with a large number of people at the same time. All you need to do is to send a SMS to a multiple number of people with the help of some bulk SMS service provider. And within a few seconds your message would be delivered to the desired numbers you have selected.

However, this method marketing through SMS has become increasingly popular ever since the early 2000s with the introduction of Short Message Service. Now in the present day context the popularity of SMS marketing has grown to a great extent and is growing at a ramming speed. This has even got much popular in Asia too. However, in the past few years in some parts of the world this tradition has been considered as a legitimate tool for advertising and marketing. But the fact is that there are some limitations in this method too. The main reason behind this is that there always remains the limitation of 160 words and not more than that words can be used to send such SMS, therefore whatever you have to say, you must do it in a nutshell and straight to the point topic. This is also helpful for the customers also as there are fewer chances for the customers to be confused by the jingle of words. And also it is a fact that the customers may even get disturbed by this. But still in this respect it is better to say that this is more effective rather than the verbal communication as the customer is always having the option of ignoring and deleting the message.

However the SMS marketing strategy has got a very rapid development in the last few years and it has been proved to be much fruitful in regions like North America, Western Europe and some other countries. But the rapid growth of this method gives the indication that this would soon engulf the whole world and bring in a totally new revolution in the world of marketing strategy.

As stated earlier that marketing via SMS has got a rapid expansion in Europe and Asia as a whole new strategy to reach the customers. However, it is also a fact that SMS initially received negative media coverage in many parts of Europe as it is often been looked at as a new form of spam. The reason behind this is also that some of these advertisers have left their customers too much disturbed. Therefore for these reasons some steps have been taken and some rules have been set so that this technology may not get misused.

With the various special features like bulk sms, bloetooth hotspot.

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Email Marketing – New Paradigm in Marketing

Elaborating marketing could be endless. New method such as email marketing should be considered as the most countable way these days to blend with the market directly without paying extra cost for advertisements, billboards, ad lips or TV commercials. Not just cost efficient but it brings interactivity between marketers and their end users.

In order to succeed email marketing, a marketer should pay attention into how a virtual fellowship should be built. Everybody takes their email accounts personally. And it means everybody is the master of what is allowed to enter their personality. Let’s take this deeper.

Newsletter subscription (a form of email marketing) indicates that a user willingly wants to be informed of any kind of updates of the brand he has used or been using. He willingly gives his personal information to the brand owner. The contacts list record holds its role in here. From here, a marketer could reach the secondary market. End users will be simplified recommending a product by forwarding the newsletter to other people he knows. There are three possibilities arisen in here. The secondary market would buy or ignore or safe the email for reserve, see if the product is needed in the future. A smart marketer will use this opportunity to make even bigger contact list by providing a free subscription, meaning without using any product, a potential user could still be informed of any updates of the brand, which then will create better potential of third degree market, and so on.

A marketer has done their homework by offering good quality products, with reliable after sales service, helpful customer service and promising R&D for better quality. Email marketing adds the in-touch part with end users. It helps the work of Customer Relation Marketing (CRM) department somehow. By uplink the newsletter to the corporate/product website, end users would be eased in consuming the information, anytime they want. The responses resulted could direct the marketer in finding whether the marketing strategy applied is already suitable for their niche market, any service or quality improvements needed, or even loyalty and awareness level.

When applying email marketing, there are several points a brand owner should pay attention to such as appearance creativity, compact and tempting headline, warm greetings, simple directory to help users in finding what they need to know or have and do not forget to ask them to act promptly. Make sure that the email has user friendly format, e.g html format or text with links. Do not give too much in an email. Try to make it simple and brief. Ask them to visit the website instead of making a load full email. If there are many things to offer to the end users, several emails can be sent, clustered, based on group of needs or types of offers. At the bottom, provide email link for direct contact or input.

It is time for marketers to change their marketing paradigm by bringing more values to the customers by being close to them, literally.

To Your Success!

Ahmad Syai – Full time Internet Marketer and blogger ….. for more detail, information or tips about Making Money Online please see here :

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Marketing Change Or Marketing Transformation?

I’ve spoken about shifting paradigms in my articles before. These days this is the main thing I’m thinking about – both as it relates to my life and to my marketing and business.

We’re seeing a lot of change these days, but a paradigm shift isn’t just about change. Change is the end result of a paradigm shift. A real paradigm shift is about transformation.

Change is about doing things differently; transformation is about thinking and perceiving differently. Change results in different methods and different technology. Transformation results in different attitudes and different mindsets.

Change rarely leads to transformation, but transformation always leads to change. That is, all real paradigm shifts start with the way we think, what we believe, and our underlying assumptions.

And so it is with marketing our businesses. We think that a paradigm shift in marketing would mean things like the Internet, smart phones, blogging and social media.

And if these changes, these new tools help us grow our business, that’s fine, but it’s no big deal. There will always be new tools that change the way the game is played.

“The more things change, the more they remain the same.”

But transformation happens in the mind and in the heart.

That’s the paradigm shift that really counts. And if you don’t have a paradigm shift or transformation in your marketing, you’ll be caught in the same old struggles as before. Your business will be stagnant and your efforts will yield meager results.

What would this transformation look like?

Something I used to say at the beginning of talks was, “Does anybody here wake up in the morning, excited and enthusiastic about connecting with total strangers about what you have to offer in your business?”

I didn’t get a lot of hands!

But THAT is what transformation would look like.

You’d have no fear, you’d be excited about getting the word out. You’d find the time and you’d take the risks. You wouldn’t be obsessively concerned about being rejected or making mistakes; you’d be fascinated about how to communicate your value in ways that got your prospects’ attention.

This would be a paradigm shift from “dreaded activity” to “exciting adventure.” It would feel like a fun and challenging game, not a distasteful chore.

And with that transformed mindset, you’d find all kinds of ways to do things differently. You’d embrace change, adopt technology, and apply new strategies and techniques. And your marketing would take off in unexpected, exciting directions.

You’d actually apply all those marketing techniques and strategies I’ve been talking about for the past 25 years! There’s nothing really hard about these techniques and strategies. But your mindsets MAKE them hard.

It’s not just one mindset you want to transform. In working with clients over the past few years I’ve identified these FIVE that give us the most trouble:

Fear – perfectionism – scarcity – overwhelm – impatience

And they manifest in these ways and more:

Fear – “I’ll be rejected, I’ll do it wrong, I’ll be ridiculed.”
Perfectionism – “I can’t start until I know exactly what to do.”
Scarcity – “I don’t have enough time or money or skills or…”
Overwhelm – “There’s so much to do, I don’t know where to start.”
Impatience – “I want it now, and I want things to be different.”

Transforming these isn’t that hard. In fact, like everything else, it’s easy if you know how. What would your business, your marketing, your life be like on the other side of these five mindsets?

The More Clients Bottom Line: If you want change in your marketing (i.e., faster and easier ways to attract more business) the first place to look is transforming the mindsets that are holding you back from implementing these changes. Transformation makes change easy. And transformation is easier than you might imagine.

Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing has been helping Independent Professionals attract more clients since 1984. Robert is the author of the online bestsellers, the InfoGuru Marketing Manual and the Web Site ToolKit. Since 1997 he’s published the weekly More Clients eZine with hands-on ideas and strategies for growing a professional service business. For more articles on attracting clients, plus several free audios and reports, please go to:

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Email Marketing – A Great marketing tool

In the modern world, people are receiving advertisements from all sorts of medium. The people get exposure to the advertisements in all forms. Advertisements are displayed in print, broadcast on television or radio or published on Internet. World Wide Web is a medium that has gained momentum with the advent of Information technology age. In the Internet, a visitor finds all sorts of advertisements in blogs, social networking sites, websites and much more. Email Marketing is one of such techniques that enable a marketer to reach his best prospects. Sending mails to the prospective clients is a popular technique devised by the marketers to get in direct contact with the prospective clients.

Advertisers devise these marketing techniques to promote their business successfully. Marketing through mails is one of such techniques. The advantage with marketing through mails is that it reaches the prospective customers. An advertiser is not dependent on a prospective customer to visit the company’s website or blog. A marketer can directly reach the potential customer through his electronic mail. This form of marketing is also successful as many people have access to the electronic mail. This is an easy medium to reach the customers. A marketer should know the basics of this form of marketing to derive effective results. Marketing through mails has the potential to elicit relevant queries from the customers. It can also offer an opportunity to an advertiser to generate sales for the organization. An advertiser can encourage download trial of the products by the prospective clients. A potential customer can also get himself registered or give his email address and name for sign ups for newsletters. Registration or sign ups can pave way for sending newsletters of specific interests to the customers. The newsletters contain any kind of update or latest development about the company. Receiving promotional messages of various products and services is also beneficial for those customers who have busy schedule. It is time saving for a businessperson to receive the information of various products and services on his electronic mails.

Marketing through mails offers flexibility to an advertiser to customize the advertisements the way a customer prefers. Sending and receiving of messages is just a matter of single click of a button. Customers find it easier to reply to these mails. Email marketing is cost effective method even for a marketer.

Myself webmaster of provides email marketing software, email sender, email spider, email generator and much more for promote the business successfully

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The Fitness and Happiness Affiliation

In a very recent Time Magazine cowl story titled Why Exercise Won’t Make You Skinny, author John Cloud presented evidence to support the speculation that the a lot of you exercise, the hungrier you get and also the less probably you’re to lose weight. His arguments seem to be aimed toward getting folks to give up exercise altogether. Sadly, the article provided very little insight into the positive association between exercise and happiness. Even if an individual’s eating habits forestall weight loss, there’s no denying that exercise is a crucial component of fine health. It’s well documented that aerobic exercise will make you are feeling happier because it increases the body’s production of endorphins, which are chemicals that provide you a sense of well-being and even euphoria. Exercise will additionally help you sleep higher, fight delicate cases of depression and boost your self-esteem. Finding time to exercise is not forever easy, except for individuals who have desk jobs that require hours of inactivity, it’s critical to search out a few hours a week for exercise. Making a fitness arrange is one approach to form positive you stay motivated to exercise on a daily basis. A smart fitness plan ought to include these 3 parts of well-balanced exercise: aerobic exercise, strength training and adaptability training. Aerobic Exercise This type of exercise gives the guts a workout. It consists of physical activities that quicken the pulse and respiratory for at least 20 minutes. Biking, running and swimming are great types of aerobic exercise. Team sports like tennis and basketball can additionally give you a smart aerobic workout, in addition working out on machines like treadmills, elliptical machines and exercycles. You can avoid boredom in your fitness set up by switching between different forms of aerobic exercise. Strength Coaching Besides the guts, different muscles in the body additionally need a workout. Strength coaching with weight machines and free weights can tone the muscles of the arms, legs and torso. Yoga and Pilates can additionally be used for strength training. Another advantage of coaching to make muscle is that it will help forestall the loss of bone mass and prevent the onset of osteoporosis. Flexibility Coaching Being versatile can facilitate prevent injury and can help improve performance for aerobic activities. Stretching on an everyday basis is one in all the most effective ways that to stay flexible. Most gyms supply flexibility and stretching category and there are also DVDs that can be used to be told how to properly stretch. Besides stretching, several activities promote flexibility, as well as karate, dance, gymnastics, Pilates and yoga. A well-balanced fitness program should include many sessions per week of every of those three types of exercise. Remember that you do not must be a prime competitor in a very sport to profit from it – it enough just to participate on a daily basis. Besides wanting and feeling higher, you will gain a way of accomplishment by taking up new challenges. Investing time in an exceedingly fitness program is one in every of the most effective ways that to make sure happiness and a way of well-being.

Jeff Patterson has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Personal Training, you can also check out his latest website about Cheap Skate Shoes Which reviews and lists the best Cheap Skate Shoes

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