Cell Phone Affiliate Programs – 7 Steps to a Successful Cell Phone Marketing Campaign
The cell phone marketing era has finally arrived! Now you can market through cell phone networks, like Google but on your cell phone. Since this is so new most people have no idea what they are doing, which in so many words means this area is almost completely untapped. Another unbelievable reality is that there are more cell phone owners than computer owners which implants a powerful statistical image of this new marketing avenue.
Listed below is a check list of 7 key steps for running a successful mobile phone marketing campaign:
1.) Identify what it is people are looking for on their cell phones. People do much more on cell phones than you think, especially iPhones where they might download music, videos, podcasts or software.
2.) Make a list of what you would look for while on your cell phone.
3.) Create a list of ads that grab your attention. Collect them from keyword searches in Google.
4.) Make sure the website (or landing page) you use has no Flash content or videos because the cell networks do not handle this technology well.
5.) Create an offer in the form of an audio, video or short message with a link or website.
6.) Launch campaign on at least one mobile marketing source like Admob.com.
7.) Monitor what is working and make necessary adjustments.
The beauty of the this new marketing world is that it is so fresh, the perfect time to jump and explore this virgin territory. Personally, I am every day souring for new techniques and technologies that have anything to do with communication and the whole cell wave came in fast, though most marketers are still missing the boat on this one.
Besides my avid pursuit in the realm of communications another one is automation. I dream, as I think most of us do, of discovering as many seamless shortcuts to life and business as possible so we can focus on the things we care about. This new frontier is another bridge in the quest for automation, what we have been reading in SiFi and advent
Now Pay Close Attention —
On the next page you will take a sneak peak at the upcoming release of this crazy $ 4,000 day system for driving herds of targeted traffic to any site, affiliate or product and dump wads of cash into your bank account using free traffic from the dark corners of the internet
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So if you want to take a behind the curtain pre-release look at the free traffic secret that is about to shake the internet to its core then I strongly recommend you read everything on the next page before it’s too late!
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